Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Security Breach

While I was away on business, someone went into our back yard and stole a beautiful planter Rob has had since before we met. Bastards!

A couple of days later, kids tagged the back of our house, our trashcans, etc. with grease pen. They also built themselves a weird clubhouse out of an old headboard and some plywood. I'd call in a party room, but they didn't leave any cigarette butts or beer
bottles. How considerate.

While we were cleaning up, we discovered they had jimmied
open a back window and gotten into the house. I was pretty pissed, but Rob took it in stride; he felt that, as vandalism goes, we got off easily. He saw it as a wake up call to better secure the place. I'm not disagreeing, but I was still pretty pissed.

I tried to pain
t over the graffiti, but our siding is so crappy that painting over the tags can't really be called an improvement. It did make me feel better, though, kind of like a dog peeing to reclaim his territory.

I did leave one piece of "art" untouched. When we went on vacation in Switzerland last year, Rob took pictures of every piece of penis graffiti we saw. After that, how could I not leave this "decoration" on our hot water heater closet?!?

1 comment:

  1. aww, georgene, that SUCKS. :( but i'm glad they didn't steal anything (right?) and that you guys were okay. xoxo
